Mario enters the land of Midgard expecting to find Bowser. However, he finds something MUCH worse...
Play the very first Sonic the Hedgehog game for the Sega Master System. This is the one that started it all!
What would happen if coins were actually spikes?! Dodge the coins or die in this crazy Mario hack.
Contrary to the name of this game, Infinite Mario actually does end at some point. The question is when?
Super Mario World but completely redesigned with new levels and sprites and lots of other good stuff
Its RC Pro Am Mario style! Take control of Mario as he races against Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi across several tracks.
Starring Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Yoshi as they collect minigames and gaddgets from Shroom City
Super Mario World but for the Sega Genesis. Plays very much like the original for the SNES.
Just as awesome as the original but with time trials, minigames, and enhanced save features
Fight 77 bosses from SMB 1, 2, 3, World, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Mega Man, and more! No levels, just bosses!
Choose 4 of 6 heroes to take with you on a quest in this awesome Final Fantasy I rom hack
Episode II of Super Mario World The Lost Adventure features 79 new stages, custom bosses, powerups, music, and more!
Can Mario solve the mystery of the flying fish and save the Mushroom Kingdom? This mini hack offers plenty of challenges
Features 8 new robot masters to overcome. Collect the 8 circuit boards and the bird Beat will aid you.
Battle through 4 circuits with 16 total fighters including Gabby Jay, Mad Clown, and the Bruiser Brothers!
20 new tracks to race on and an improved AI to make you really work for the gold
When an alien warns Mario and Luigi of an interstellar threat from outer space, it is up to them to save the world!
Toad is sick and only Dr. Mario can save him! A whole new game featuring new worlds and enemies like flying shyguys!
Super Mario 1 levels but with a complete graphics upgrade so you can enjoy Mario 1 in a whole new way
Mario has sailed into the Bermuda Triangle! A storm has crashed your ship on a mysterious island. Can you escape?
You can play either Super Mario Advance 3 or Yoshis Island which are both fun action platformer games
Super Mario but in RPG form. A novel idea and a fun game all in one. Save the Princess while battling RPG style.
A fun spin off game featuring all new enemies and lots of bubbles.
Starring Princess Peach herself, this difficult rom hack that will test your skills. Can you even beat level 1?